Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Background behind blog title

I had a hearing today.  It was a CINA hearing.  My firm represents Mom.  Mom is your basic, "I had sex with somebody I shouldn't have, have 2 kids from the relationship, but I'm WAY hotter than him, I am depressed all the time, and potentially have a chemical dependency problem" type of woman.  This is usually fine, as there are literally thousands of these women out there, but I'm in such a weird place in my life that I tend to run into problems with these women. 

My problem is that I haven't been laid in a LONG time.  My wife is perfectly pleasant, and despite some disagreements regarding timing and frequency, we've always gotten along well in the sack.  Now, with the divorce on the horizon, she naturally wants nothing to do with me.  Which is fine, I suppose (see "disagreements regarding timing and frequency, supra), but it leads to me not getting laid.  And when I'm already frustrated on that level enough, I start looking to places I normally wouldn't for a piece of ass.  Hence, my issues with our client above.

This woman has 2 kids.  She is ~8 years older than I am.  She's got...issues.  And yet, I want to do nasty shit to her.  Today, in court, I was debating on whether she was eye-fucking me before our hearing, or if she could TELL that I wanted to hurt her in the sack, as I was drooling all over the place from the second I laid eyes on her.  I asked a buddy, who convinced me it was option a), but I don't buy it.  If she shows up here asking for my number, I'll believe him.  Until then, I'll hump the courthouse walls while she's not looking.

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